Maternal Health

Maternal Health

-Ante-Natal Unit

The unit receives an average number of 70 pregnant women daily for ante-natal care. The unit strives to provide focus antenatal care and councelling services for their clients. They also commit time for home visits to attend to their clients who default. In collaboration with the physio unit, the pregnant women who visit the facility are taken through pregnancy school programmes and exercises.

-Maternity Unit

The hospital has 21 bed capacity maternity unit with qualified midwives and obstericians and gynacologists. In spite of the tremendous improvement in maternal care and the general contribution to municipal and the national health statistics, the performance of the unit over the past year or two has not been remarkable. This has mostly resulted in bad maternal cases which are usually referred to the centre and issue of late referals. In response to the that, the unit has this year planned to work closely with the community and opinion leaders on ways to improve on maternal health care in their communities.